Privacy Policy

The following privacy policy describes the personal information we collect from you, how we use it, what measures we take to ensure it is confidential and safe, and what you could do to control our use of it. By using our website, the user agrees without any limitation or qualification to be bounded by the details of this privacy policy listed below.

1. We collect information from you when you do one of the followings: subscribe to our newsletter via our homepage, or contact us by submitting a form via our contact page.

2. We may use the information we collect from you for the following purposes only: reply to your inquiry/feedback/question when you submit a form via our contact page, or sending out newsletters to you when you subscribe via our homepage.

3. All information you provide with us are confidential. They are not to be used for any other purposes without the consent of the user. Said information will only be shared among respective employees of MEDIX who are responsible for the aforementioned tasks in 2.

4. Without the user's consent, information collected will be used only as expected by the user for the particular purpose for which he/she provides the information.

5. Unless otherwise clarified on a case to case basis, we do not share the information we collect from you with advertisers or other companies.

6. If we are requested by law enforcement officials or judiciary authorities, we may disclose your information we collect in response to warrants or any other valid inquiries from said officials and authorities without your consent.

7. We use cookies to better the user experience of our website. Our site information, the pages you visit, and a short text file called a cookie will be downloaded to your computer. The cookie contains no personal data and is used for traffic analysis only. Depending on the browser you use, you may turn off/block cookies, or request to be notified before a cookie is placed.

8. You may request your information or opt out of our use of your information by contacting us.