Ear Wax Removal

Call/Text: 646-306-0419

Keep your ears clear.

Do you feel that wax has built up in your ear and it is affecting your ability to hear clearly? Have you have attempted to clean your ear with a q-tip but your symptoms persist or worsen? MEDIX is here to help with our in-home ear wax removal services. During your visit, ear wax will be removed using one of or a combination of the following:

  • a scoop specifically designed for this purpose, used primarily for stubborn wax not too deep inside the ear canal

  • an ear irrigation syringe, designed to reach further into the ear canal with moderate pressure

  • an ear irrigation spray, designed to reach further into the ear canal with higher pressure for deep and extra stubborn ear wax

Although very safe when performed by a medical professional, our ears are incredibly delicate. That is why MEDIX takes a conservative and careful approach when irrigating your ears.

Step 1: Examination

The first and most important step of your visit is the examination. Our doctor will use a tool called an otoscope to thoroughly examine the inside of your ears. Not only does it allow us to understand the amount and the location of the ear wax, it also allows us to make sure that there are no trauma, perforations to your eardrums, or an infection in your ears which could potentially make the procedure not suitable for you.

Step 2: Choosing the right tool

After the examination, our team will choose the right tool to perform the removal procedure. From the scoops and syringes to the temperature and mixture of fluids being used to irrigate your ears, our doctor will always prioritize your comfort and safety to make sure your experience is a painless one.

Step 3: Removal and/or irrigation

Depending on the findings of your examination, the irrigation procedure can last as little as 3-5 minutes and as long as 15-30 minutes. During this step, it is important to us that your discomfort is minimized, therefore we will never rush through this step. Although uncommon, some patients can experience temporary dizziness or vertigo during this process. However, this sensation only lasts a brief period and will likely resolve before the end of your visit.

Step 4: Re-examination, recommendations, and more

After the procedure, our doctor will examine your ears again to make sure that the clean up was done thoroughly and that there was no trauma sustained during the procedure (extremely unlikely). After that, recommendations will be made so you can avoid having excessive ear wax build up in the future or at the very least, prolong the period of time in between your future irrigations. If you are having an ear infection simultaneously, our doctor might also prescribe an antibiotic to help you feeling better as soon as possible.